Do The Right Things Right

The Lord's greetings to you Pattern Realm.
     Today I want to go into a discourse with you about doing the right things right and an example of what happened my sophomore year in high school 

     June 1 1989;  I had two finals that would wrap up my sophomore year at Permian high School, a speech final and an algebra 1 final. 
     My uncle who was the same age as I am brought me to school and on the way to school I noticed that I was a little sick.  I got through most of my speech final when I realized I had to get up to go to the restroom I made it about five steps when I passed out in the hall. 
     A fellow classmate called for my speech teacher who called for the school nurse and the assigned principal to get me in a wheelchair and take me to the nurses station. 
     When my mother pick me up she was very much panicking. 
     "Son you look white as a s***! Do you have to go to the doctor right away?' my mother said 
     "No mama I just need to get home and rest.  I get to take the rest of my speech final at home and then turn it in after I'm done with my algebra final. 
     The next day my mother's second husband who I considered to be a godfather and I will call him Daddy, Daddy took me back to school.
     When I told my algebra teacher what happened and that I have been stressing out over that particular exam he had a surprise look on his face.  "Are you kidding me james! What's your grades you have to make a 38 on the final to fail the courts." The algebra teacher said. 
     "But you said during parts of the semester that some of the students sitting in class were not even pass this class." I said 
     "You've got to be kidding!  Yes you had your problems James but come on 38 to fail this course let's get you taking the exam right now."
     I finished the exam and he took me into a back office next to the classroom.  It took 5 minutes for him to grade the algebra test. "Congratulations you made it 70, that means you get to pass the 10th grade."
     Coming home I was still weak and sickly, but I was very pleased to have finished this sophomore year. 
     I'm not blaming myself for the accident, my mother could tell signs within a few weeks before final exams.  Why was that? 
     Once again not blaming myself for what happened that day but I wasn't doing the right things right.  Instead of focusing on my grades I was too busy trying to hold on to my first high school sweetheart, which by the spring of next year became an exercise in futility. 
     So my challenge to you is this.  Whether it's in business or spiritual or personal make sure that you do the right things right preferably in all areas of your life.


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