Anyway Services A Better Way to Consult

Well hello Pattern Realm

     It has been 3 days since I have converts with you last in this blog and well as usual I want to talk to you about something that is pertinent to my business.
     ACN works with the peak of companies that provide essential services that people use everyday.  But I call them "Anyway services" because they are services that you use anyway.
     Everyone needs their electric bill paid everyone needs home internet cell phones home security identity protection and more importantly health care.
     I choose to consult with two brands under the ACN banner, impact Health sharing and Flash mobile.
     I chose impact as my primary company because for years especially when I started graduate school I was hungry and hunkering for a solution to the healthcare crisis and an alternative to socialized medicine.  And here we have it impact health sharing which is for those who do not have a pre-existing condition.  The good news about impact is that if answers to no round table of executives with golden parachutes.  No impact is for those were sharing is voluntarily and the company caters to its members.  
      Now I will tell you about another brand that I am proud of Flash Mobile.  They used T-Mobile towers but with superior services and believe it or not better rates.
     Now what I do I do not call selling.  I am not a cell phone I prefer to call myself a broker/consultant.  It's better to consult with people about products and services of your company rather than just trying to sell them the product or service.  This puts
 posturing in a better line of thought doesn't it?


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