Be Kind to Yourself When You're Lonely

Be courageous Pattern Realm 
     It has been a while since I have had a discussion about mental health and spirituality and with what I'm going through lately I feel like that this discussion is timely. 
     Let me I've been having trouble related to my best friend regarding a vacation I have planned to go see my uncle.  My friends at church are backing me up but to have my best friend but I can't even carry on a conversation about a powerful area in my life, it really hurts. 
     I have bipolar type 1 disorder with psychotic features, and sometimes that combined with loneliness and help dealing with some social isolation and other situations in my social life can cause extreme loneliness and sadness. 
     I give you a call to action and I mean this.  Be kind to yourself when you're lonely.  Be ready and willing to cry out to God when you need him. 
     I did that about 30 minutes ago when it's because I just couldn't take it anymore.  He told me in this instance that I need to have at least one or two other best friends that I can relate to.  
     I know I consider myself as a business coach but I also hope that you are my friend.  You don't really have to like me.  I just want to be there for people who really need sound advice and a little helping hand.  I'm not a mental health professional or counselor but I can empathize with people that suffer, I am very much an empath. 
     So please do these things when you're lonely.  Be careful what you put in your mind, it's very easy when you feel lonely and isolated to drift over to the negative.  I know, I struggle with that very same thing.  I've often felt like confronting my best friend telling him he doesn't know how it feels to be in my situation, but then again try try sometimes that tactic doesn't work.  It can sting and hurt, so get you some friends that are on the same success journey as you.  Decent ones that hurt who are really going to be there with you. 
     Most importantly I believe if you live a worthy life in Christ you are never alone.  The Holy Ghost is a comforter, the degenerate culture has a problem with with that particular issue and some Churches barely even talk about the Holy Ghost.  As a member of the restore Church of Christ I am grateful that my faith does that it provides faith hope and knowing that I can find comfort in my loneliness.  I'm not going to ask you to do when I'm not willing to do myself, be kind to yourself when you feel lonely and don't admit defeat.  God bless you 

Love in Christ 




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