Father Son Dynamic

Dear friends at pattern realm 
   No te vayas por favor!
     I've had three fatherly influences in my life as a man.  The first one is my Father James Anthony Hendrick Sr.  Things between he and I have always been strained .  There was some trauma in my childhood to the point that I didn't speak to him for nearly 15 and a half years. 
     Then in December 1999 I learned that he might be dying and so I went to be his side at the VA hospital in Big spring Texas.  It took a few visits but for the most part we reconciled.  Now if you think it's all gone problems his father and son it didn't.  For the next 24 years it was a strained effort to maintain a father-son relationship. 
     The second father influence was my mother's second husband Hank Seibold.  I refuse to call him stepfather because I do not like the word step.  I prefer the word godfather because God gave him to me ever since I was 3 years old.  Although he was not the strict disciplinarian of the family, mama was.  Daddy still had some firm love and some strong values lessons for the three kids in the home.  I lost him in 2009 because of lung cancer but I will forever treasure my memories of him, my daddy. 
     My third fatherly influenced was my grandfather Billy Joe Sawyer.  I received the greater part of my values along with the entrepreneurial spirit from my grandfather and I guess it is stuck with me.  I discovered the value of learning thanks to him and the ability to try new things. 
     But the most important relationship I have with my father is my Heavenly Father God.  In many occasions when there was a gap in probably influences for me God stepped in and gave me wise counsel and guidance when I desperately needed it.  He is my source 
     Now if you open your heart and let Jesus in you can feel the presence of God your heavenly father strengthening you and help you in this time 

In Christ 

Jimmy Hendrick 



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