Be Do Live and Have Better

Peaceful greetings pattern Realm 

Welcome to the portal of pattern Realm where we talk about being doing living and having better. 
     It starts with being better, being supposedly as a form of spirituality.  A chance to eat today get still before the Lord individually and in your families to make a difference in this great big wide wonderful world of ours. 
     Do better;  this is where we can create and even correct our patterns as we go by proper routines and things to maintain our success Even build upon that success.  As I get ready for my impending wedding next weekend and marriage I am called upon to recognize the pattern morning routines that I must have for myself in order to have a successful marriage a successful businesses and a successful life. 
     Living better, this involves more than just externals and lifestyle I also believe it means living a righteous lifestyle also involved in the doing.  If we're not living better in righteous lifestyle and or externals we can always go around and correct our patterns in accordance to the correct laws of God that we wish to obey. 
     Have better;  this is the externals that you see on the photo in this blog the nice car the nice house everybody desires these things but are they going to do and be and live better in order to finally have better.  Being close to the pattern of heavenly father and Jesus Christ is the beginning of that set of patterns for success.  Doing puts that faith of being into action and makes it more practical.  Living it means living a righteous lifestyle and success lifestyle in accordance to God's laws 
  If done rightly can cause us to have better! 

In Christ 



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