You Should Be Rich!!

Heaven's greetings Pattern Realm
     November 15 2023 a night that will ever live in infamy because I had a chance to have dinner and rub shoulders with a good mentor and coach of mine Presley Swaggerty.  For years I thought finding an approachable mentor would be impossible.  Presley s electric energy atenthusiasm blew my doors off!  He makes want to build a business and legacy to bless a lifetime.  
     Ok now You're probably wondering why you should be rich well let's look at it clear here and now.
1.  Inflation I mean you've got to admit the inflation is sky high and it seems like an average person or family needs $10,000 to survive in this economy.  
2.  A falling dollar I mean think about it Our dollar is becoming more and more worthless and why because the government keeps printing more money with physical policies that make no sense at all.  
3.  Crushing debt and I mean I'm talking about national debt and personal debt.  Robert kiyosaki is one of my greatest influencers when it comes to money and finances but I have to disagree with him about debt because the theologians in my church over the decades have said that debt is dumb.
    The thing is Rich Dad told Robert when he was young and also when he went bankrupt in 1995 that you can't see money with your eyes it is more than just paper it is gold silver real estate and assets like royalties think about it I'm in the middle of riding my second book right now.  
     Now here's another angle to look at And this is more of a spiritual  angle. Many of you know I'd love some contemporary Christian music particularly TobyMac and one thing that he says in one of his songs is that being rich means relationships friends family and more importantly a personal and covenant relationship with Jesus Christ.  

Patterns in Christ



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