The Challenge of Food Addiction

Empowered greetings

80,600+ Chocolate Bar Stock Photos, Pictures & Royalty-Free Images ...80,600+ Chocolate Bar Stock Photos, Pictures & Royalty-Free Images ...

Many of you are probably thinking right now, this is a damn blog about entrepreneurship not about food!

I understand, but please hear me out! We’re going back once again to the personal in personal development.

OK now it’s time I think for me to come clean myself, I’m putting this blog and later a podcast and video to say that I have been struggling with the food addiction for 43 1/2 years ever since I was 12. It goes back to the deep seated, feeling back in that I was never good enough. I have a rather tough insecure relationship with my biological father, not to mention the specialists who were working with me regarding my multiple work defects. We’re getting frustrated because I was not going fast enough for my age.. The message I got deep down inside my soul, never feeling good enough, turned into a food addiction!

OK, so you may wanna laugh or scarf at this saying not feeling enough turns into a food addiction? Well I reassure you this is no coughing or laughing matter! It’s a very serious. Pertinent topic, the impacts the personal development of an entrepreneur.

Let’s face it. It’s an addiction. We can’t run away from him, we have to eat! And sadly thanks for our enemy. The flesh wants what the flash wants. And once again, heavenly father gives me the three major tools to combat any Physio, spiritual, or social, spiritual melody, the atonement of Jesus Christ, the priesthood, and the Holy Ghost.

The atonement of Jesus Christ: yes Jesus died on the crossroad scene, gluttony is a sin. But where does food addiction come from? I’ve learned from sad experience, that food, addiction, comes from sorrow! I may have tried with alcohol in my early adulthood to drown massages, and I found that one of the most destructive forces. So I turned the food, that is until my wife me Princesa confronted me in my food, addiction, and swore to me that there was a better way!

Like January 2025 my wife came to me and told me she felt like I was getting grossly overweight and needed to do something about it, so at first she tried a cold turkey diet and my body bailed. Now she’s starting to moderate some of the diet and I’m noticed quality the difference.

Now, granted I’ve been sick most of this week, but yesterday my wife noticed how I was losing quite a bit of weight.

The priesthood, the priesthood is the power to act in the name of God, many times I asked for missionaries to come and teach the gospel in my home as a gesture of helping me out this addiction by having my focus be on God. People over, eat to fulfill an emptiness, deep inside, when really in reality what we need is more of heavenly father, Jesus Christ, and the constant companionship of the Holy Ghost.

So most days, instead of reaching for a candy bar, a cookie or a slice of bread for comfort I turned to the Holy Ghost as long as I stay worthy, according to God’s Commandments . And I feel the comfort that I need that I used to get from food.

Food addiction? Yes it’s a challenge. It’s an ongoing challenge for me.. but I have found with these three tools in my toolbox I can, and I will overcome that addiction

in Christ




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