How Caqn We Be Fishers of Men?

Heaven's greetings pattern realm 
     Today I want to recommend to you Luke chapter 5 where we deal with the story of Jesus teaching the multitudes in the boat of Simon Peter and his brother Andrew. 
     Even instructs the two along with James and John to the lawn Town into the deep to catch fish.  At first these men were skeptical but then they let down their nets and cost that a multitude of fish were caught causing their boats almost to sink.  Give us at that point to the manifestation of their faith that they believe first of all and follow Jesus.
Heaven's Greetings Pattern Realm This is a valuable question in Designing Belief Enterprise. In Luke Chaptere 5, Simon Peter, Andrew, James and Joh were called to launch out into the deep by the Lord Jesus in defiance to what they called common sense. As a result, they caught a multitude of fishes, believed, and followed Him. As entrepreneurs with a faith mindset we are called to spiritually and temporally catch men and impact people's ives. In Christ, Jimmy Hendrick EYP


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