How to Achieve Happiness in a Sad World

Howdy Pattern Realm
  This is JR Jimmy's alter.  I want to tune his horn a little bit.  This month he finished writing his book Empower Your Pattern he took the accreditation test for I  Impact Health Sharing and pissed winning accreditation.  Next month he plans on getting accredited with the energy company he will be consulting for. Just go also for July is to become customer qualified and be an executive Team leader. 
     Okay I'm back to being Jimmy and now I'm going to give you the five tips to achieve happiness in a sad world. 
    N disclaimer don't waste your happiness on the actions of others because human nature often is to let other humans down.  You must trust in God with your identity in Christ alone.
1.  Action action is very key if you want to be happy and be successful.  Developing an action plan is very important along with that thing on what you want to achieve in life. 
2. Build a vision bn I recommend you create a vision Port whether it's through word processing or an actual board with pictures and writing. Put it somewhere where you know you're going to see it everyday mine is on my phone.  My goals are on a screensaver every day for my business.  You need to develop a vision in order to achieve happiness. 
3.  Choices;  many people say that when life happens to you when the negative way it all depends on how you respond. I said go steeper than that it all goes down to your whenever I'm down or frustrated I always keep in mind it's one thing I always tell myself "Jimmy you  have a choice. You can choose to be miserable or you can choose to be happy.". For the most part I choose happiness. B so make wise choices like gardening the door to your mind and make sure that you're not consuming too much junk that can cloud your happiness 

4.  Develop a plan to pursue that happiness and I'm not talking about a reactive degenerate mad dash for the happiness because it always eludes you.  It's preactive and proactive that way it always attracts to you.  That's why I say if you base your actions on what your what others say about you or what they can do for you then prepare to be you have to decide to be happy now and you have to realize that with you and Henry father in Jesus Christ you have a chance to be happy. 

5. Never give up.  I can't stress this enough!  Like the Christian song by the band for king and country says never never ever ever give up!  Hold on to your choices in your visions and please guard the door to your mind that's a key to your happiness


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