Overcoming phone Logged

Hello Pattern Realm
     It has been a while since I posted to you guys. In my apologies, sometimes I'm neglect the things that should matter most as I try to develop both my network marketing. And my empowerment business, but there's one common struggle. We all face sometimes when trying to generate sales. And that is being phone logged or having phone reluctance.
     Mini marketing gurus on YouTube. Say that you should do a procon analysis based on 7 questions. I think there's a better idea.
     SWOT;  I think after making several attempts of phone calls to try to generate cells and your facing the emergence because of lack of possibilities that you're getting with your phone calls, you should do this analysis.
Strengths;  What strength do you have by using a sales script recommended by your mentor?
Weaknesses;  Determine some weaknesses in the script in order to see how it can be improved
Opportunities;  What opportunities and options do you have? In order to make the script better and more. Tailor-made to your personality to generate sales?
Thrrats;  Look at where there is some spots in the script and other areas. Where you've ad objections that have shut you down in your sales phone calls And where you need some vast improvement?

And this is another proven way to overcome phone logged


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