
The Challenge of Food Addiction

Empowered greetings Many of you are probably thinking right now, this is a damn blog about entrepreneurship not about food! I understand, but please hear me out! We’re going back once again to the personal in personal development. OK now it’s time I think for me to come clean myself, I’m putting this blog and later a podcast and video to say that I have been struggling with the food addiction for 43 1/2 years ever since I was 12. It goes back to the deep seated, feeling back in that I was never good enough. I have a rather tough insecure relationship with my biological father, not to mention the specialists who were working with me regarding my multiple work defects. We’re getting frustrated because I was not going fast enough for my age.. The message I got deep down inside my soul, never feeling good enough, turned into a food addiction! OK, so you may wanna laugh or scarf at this saying not feeling enough turns into a food addiction? Well I reassure you this ...

Effective Communication for Professionald

Blessed Greetings Pattern Realm On lYeah, Ion 1 March 2025, I went with members of my to smashes club to the division contest in Lubbock, and it was good experience. I made a gutsy mood by changing my topic to discuss about my business.. bb When in the end I didn’t win any place enough to go to district I took my wife aside and told told her that I was done doing the contest, next stop accredited speaker. The contest are fine if you want to compete for fun, but one thing that should let you know first thing is at the contest in no way shows that you are a professional speaker. Rather, it is a marketing technique to bring in more members as something to do for fun and enjoyment, I am done with that phase of my life so there has to be a more effective communication, communication curriculum for those like me who wants to go, professional . Toastmasters has such a problem, the accredited speaker designation something I would think about for the past five years and...

ACN and James Hendrick Empowerment

Hello pattern Realm       Today I want to talk to you about James Hendrick Empowerment and how it is primarily powered by ACN a wonderful networking business model where people own their own businesses and become Essential Services consultants.  I'm going to give you six key concepts to help those who want to aim I high in their own businesses.  Assets:  let's start with this one thing, you are an asset, you should every single one of you.  Also some good tangible solid assets I like a silver gold and royalties.  Also if you partner with ACM you build an asset through your online storefront.   2.  Business and belief in yourself:  Serial entrepreneur Robert kisaki said "the wave of wealthiest people get rich is via business, and the best businesses are systems that you buy into just like ACN.       Also you should consider believing in yourself.  I'm grateful to have my wife...

Pattern Mindset MBS

Be blessed pattern Realm       Today I want to talk to you about my mindset MBA . Now it's not a traditional MVA let's say you would get at a college or university, it's just down to earth common Sense knowledge.  M Monetize find what you can do that you absolutely love, and then find a way for somebody to pay you for it! Monetization is key if you want more and if you want a better and extraordinary life RIGHT NOW!! B Business;  let me give you some advice the best thing you can do in the business world is to buy into a business system a business model that you can use to monetize and build wealth to make yourself and your family comfortable.  I think about that especially having a business where I can type more to my church where am I congregation I'm considered the master resident scriptorian.  You can buy into a business system models like network marketing affiliate marketing drop shipping or whatever model that seems to feed your passion....