
How to Achieve Happiness in a Sad World

Howdy Pattern Realm     This is JR Jimmy's alter.  I want to tune his horn a little bit.  This month he finished writing his book Empower Your Pattern he took the accreditation test for I  Impact Health Sharing and pissed winning accreditation.  Next month he plans on getting accredited with the energy company he will be consulting for. Just go also for July is to become customer qualified and be an executive Team leader.       Okay I'm back to being Jimmy and now I'm going to give you the five tips to achieve happiness in a sad world.      N disclaimer don't waste your happiness on the actions of others because human nature often is to let other humans down.  You must trust in God with your identity in Christ alone. 1.  Action action is very key if you want to be happy and be successful.  Developing an action plan is very important along with that thing on what you want to achieve in life.  2. Build a vision bn I recommend you create a vision Port whether

he Coaches Are In

Pattern Realm, JR here, Jimmy's alter. Jimmy is pleased with the series we are doing, so please pay close attention to what he has to say. He has a dark night of the soul, but he has a lighter side, like playing and holding small puppies, and eating protein bars at sunrise. He loves his Mama. Now, here he is. OK, thank you JR, I tell you he comes in and takes over when I feel down in the dumps, but enough about that. I want to talk about the future arm of my business coaching/consulting. I want to use my work as an entrepreneur to bless and lift up others and to consult with movers and shaker on local, state, and national levels for good conservative causes. I've been wanting to go into business to bless the lives of other for 40 years now, and now that I am 54, I think it's high time! We all have our work, and our work and walth should be meaningful to bless the lives of others we can influence for good. Sincerely in Christ, Jim

Essential Services Consultants

God bless you Pattern Realm      In today's post I'm going to be talking about my area of essential Services consulting.       What do I mean by that? I'm talking about services that people use everyday electricity phone TV internet home security identity protection.       I work with a company called ACN which works with a good pic of companies that provide services that people use every day, I like to call it Anyway Services.  You're going to be using the services anyway so why not pick brands from a friend or colleague that you trust.  Some people call what we do as selling.  I don't look at it that way, in fact my mentor Presley swaggerty councils us in the group not to consider it as selling your acquiring customers, or as I like to put it clients, to buy into services that they would normally use anyway that would help them save money.  The job is not to push people in the buying into a product or service but whether to see if it's

Be Kind to Yourself When You're Lonely

Be courageous Pattern Realm       It has been a while since I have had a discussion about mental health and spirituality and with what I'm going through lately I feel like that this discussion is timely.       Let me I've been having trouble related to my best friend regarding a vacation I have planned to go see my uncle.  My friends at church are backing me up but to have my best friend but I can't even carry on a conversation about a powerful area in my life, it really hurts.       I have bipolar type 1 disorder with psychotic features, and sometimes that combined with loneliness and help dealing with some social isolation and other situations in my social life can cause extreme loneliness and sadness.       I give you a call to action and I mean this.  Be kind to yourself when you're lonely.  Be ready and willing to cry out to God when you need him.       I did that about 30 minutes ago when it's because I just couldn't take it anymore.  He told m

Be Guarding The Door To Your Mind!

May God bless you Pattern Realm      Sometimes I don't want to do this but on occasion such as this and because of what's going on in the world I'm going to give you some hard coaching to help you overcome adversity and be a success, and that coaching tip is guard the door of your mind!      What causes moods to get closest to depression?  Sure we live in an American culture that will be used in everything in mental illness can be cured by just a pill but I also know very well that depression often begins in the mind.       So what do you do  1.  Absolutely ditch the garbage content.  When I was in grade school taking computer classes I had professors say such things as "garbage in garbage out.". In fact one of my computer teachers in high school use that same analogy to teach us to guard the door of our mind and what we are confessing.  If you consume junk content junk content comes out of your mouth and next thing you know you're confessing negat

Do The Right Things Right

The Lord's greetings to you Pattern Realm.      Today I want to go into a discourse with you about doing the right things right and an example of what happened my sophomore year in high school       June 1 1989;  I had two finals that would wrap up my sophomore year at Permian high School, a speech final and an algebra 1 final.       My uncle who was the same age as I am brought me to school and on the way to school I noticed that I was a little sick.  I got through most of my speech final when I realized I had to get up to go to the restroom I made it about five steps when I passed out in the hall.       A fellow classmate called for my speech teacher who called for the school nurse and the assigned principal to get me in a wheelchair and take me to the nurses station.       When my mother pick me up she was very much panicking.       "Son you look white as a s***! Do you have to go to the doctor right away?' my mother said       "No mama I just need to g

Prospecting For Business

Fond greetings to Pattern Realm       Why are we not prospecting in our business?  Sometimes when I struggle with prospecting I think of the story of Luke chapter 5 in the end when Jesus tells Peter that he will be catching men.  As entrepreneurs that's what we're called to be to shine our light to the world.       The apostle Peter made it clear in 1st Peter 4:10. "Is every man hath received a gift let him minister this gift to others as stewards of the manifold grace of God.". You see as entrepreneurs I feel that we are called To shine the Light so who are we not to shine the light of our opportunity or our service that it may bless the lives of others.       You see scripturally we are called to excellence.  In Daniel chapter 1 Daniel and the Israelite men call to serve in the king's court declined the king's meat but preferred to eat things in accordance to the dietary laws that the Lord had given them.  After a period of time the king noticed that these I