The Challenge of Food Addiction
Empowered greetings Many of you are probably thinking right now, this is a damn blog about entrepreneurship not about food! I understand, but please hear me out! We’re going back once again to the personal in personal development. OK now it’s time I think for me to come clean myself, I’m putting this blog and later a podcast and video to say that I have been struggling with the food addiction for 43 1/2 years ever since I was 12. It goes back to the deep seated, feeling back in that I was never good enough. I have a rather tough insecure relationship with my biological father, not to mention the specialists who were working with me regarding my multiple work defects. We’re getting frustrated because I was not going fast enough for my age.. The message I got deep down inside my soul, never feeling good enough, turned into a food addiction! OK, so you may wanna laugh or scarf at this saying not feeling enough turns into a food addiction? Well I reassure you this ...